‘AINA life and Hawaiian Culture
“EYE-NUH” Hawaiian word meaning land
When we say the word ‘AINA, we are washed over with a feeling of something greater than just us. The soil that grounds us, the trees that breath for us, the mountains that inspire us, and the ocean that flows in and around us, these are the miracles it provides each day.
Our ‘AINA, Mother Earth, land, ocean, and soil is the single thread connecting us all together. The land is our existence, and how we treat it decides our destiny. Nurture or destroy? Those are the choices we make each day.
It is really so simple.
When we put ‘AINA life first, we are also putting the health our of bodies first.
When our bodies are strong and our minds are clear what we reflect out is our best self for our brothers and sisters.
When our brothers and sisters feel our love, rooted from the respect of our Mother, it is then that we can live in peace.
Love is life. We are ‘AINA life.
The goal of ‘AINA life is to provide plastic-free alternatives that put the well being of our land and oceans first. By eliminating plastic, we are lightening the load of human consumption that disrupts the eco-systems of our planet. Together we can make an impact for the well being of our future generations.